"Triple-right" August 2006

Istvan and Agnes

Istvan and Agnes

The path

The path

The woods and stream

The woods and stream

Istvan and Agnes

Istvan and Agnes

The long path

The long path

Istvan and Agnes

Istvan and Agnes



Monarch butterfly

Monarch butterfly

Monarch butterfly

Monarch butterfly

Yellow butterfly

Yellow butterfly

Monarch butterfly

Monarch butterfly

Black butterfly

Black butterfly

Yellow butterfly

Yellow butterfly

Black butterfly

Black butterfly

Monarch butterfly

Monarch butterfly

Shadow of my former self

Shadow of my former self

Tiny yellow butterfly

Tiny yellow butterfly

Agnes on the road

Agnes on the road

Agnes on the road

Agnes on the road



Orange newt

Orange newt

Orange newt

Orange newt

Orange newt

Orange newt

Invisible drangonfly

Invisible drangonfly

Tiny toad

Tiny toad

Butterfly in flight

Butterfly in flight

Butterfly in flight

Butterfly in flight