Day 19-Happy July 4th

The Fourth of July is a very big holiday in the U.S. celebrating the public announcement of our Declaration of Independence in 1776 and our need for freedom.
Our patriotic volunteer

Our patriotic volunteer

Solo musician

Solo musician

More music for the runners

More music for the runners

Sopan is enjoying the entertainment

Sopan is enjoying the entertainment

Flipping for the runners

Flipping for the runners

Drum lesson

Drum lesson

Dipali films the runners

Dipali films the runners

Nidhruvi looking strong

Nidhruvi looking strong

On the backstretch

On the backstretch

In the shade

In the shade

Late afternoon

Late afternoon

Chinese lamp-shade?

Chinese lamp-shade?

Baladev eats on the run

Baladev eats on the run

Time for a stretch break

Time for a stretch break

Virendra adds some rhythm

Virendra adds some rhythm

Saral on trumpet

Saral on trumpet

Music group for the runners

Music group for the runners

Two great singers

Two great singers

Kodanda leads the way

Kodanda leads the way

The runners love the energy

The runners love the energy

Time for some treatment

Time for some treatment

I still need my head

I still need my head

Great sunset

Great sunset

That's it for tonight

That's it for tonight

Here come the fireworks

Here come the fireworks

From a boat

From a boat

July 4 tradition

July 4 tradition

From a distance

From a distance

Lots of lights

Lots of lights

More light

More light