Day 19-Happy July 4th

The Fourth of July is a very big holiday in the U.S. celebrating the public announcement of our Declaration of Independence in 1776 and our need for freedom.
Vajra comes by 5:00 to set up

Vajra comes by 5:00 to set up

The standings at sunrise

The standings at sunrise

Rupantar also gets the day started

Rupantar also gets the day started

It's Ashprihanal

It's Ashprihanal

A flag in the torch?

A flag in the torch?

Sopan feels American today too

Sopan feels American today too

Happily carrying the Peace Torch

Happily carrying the Peace Torch

The Torch is not that heavy Nidhruvi

The Torch is not that heavy Nidhruvi

That's better

That's better

Is this Lady Liberty?

Is this Lady Liberty?

How do you like my new hat?

How do you like my new hat?



Our Patriotic Ukranian

Our Patriotic Ukranian

Even the counters take part

Even the counters take part

The helpers are amused

The helpers are amused

Slovakia and Czech for Peace

Slovakia and Czech for Peace

Where's my crown?

Where's my crown?

Sarvagata looking good

Sarvagata looking good

I need another hand

I need another hand

Special patriotic Prasad treats

Special patriotic Prasad treats

Snehashila and some of her family

Snehashila and some of her family

Why is Sarah so happy?

Why is Sarah so happy?

She just reached 1,000 miles

She just reached 1,000 miles

Looks like Nidhruvi wants the flag next

Looks like Nidhruvi wants the flag next

Sopan carries the flag proudly

Sopan carries the flag proudly

Atmavir loves it

Atmavir loves it

Vasu and Nikolai 'Jefferson'

Vasu and Nikolai 'Jefferson'

Ashprihanal wants to get in too

Ashprihanal wants to get in too

Mishti celebrates the day

Mishti celebrates the day

There's 'Lady Liberty'

There's 'Lady Liberty'

Mishti greets all the runners

Mishti greets all the runners

Our second Statue of Liberty

Our second Statue of Liberty

Dependence is independence

Dependence is independence

Delicious snacks to start the day

Delicious snacks to start the day

Compliments of the Enthusiasm-Awakeners

Compliments of the Enthusiasm-Awakeners

Tripti's Memorial Garden

Tripti's Memorial Garden

Two friendly neighbors

Two friendly neighbors

Surasa is our third Statue of Liberty

Surasa is our third Statue of Liberty

Sporting his usual hat

Sporting his usual hat

Canadians for Peace

Canadians for Peace

The 3100 is one of them!

The 3100 is one of them!

Great article on this race

Great article on this race

Rest time

Rest time

Red,White and Blue

Red,White and Blue

Great message

Great message

Utopia is not far away

Utopia is not far away

He's also headed for Utopia

He's also headed for Utopia