Day 39- Birthday Boy

Atmavir, 33 today, has been celebrating his birthday at this race since 2005. This birthday is one of the hottest for the runners. Let's see how they beat the heat.
Great message for a birthday boy

Great message for a birthday boy

Friendly visitors

Friendly visitors

He has amazing stories to tell

He has amazing stories to tell

That's a big block

That's a big block

Wow, that looks good

Wow, that looks good

This will keep you cool

This will keep you cool

Who's my next subject?

Who's my next subject?

Singing or yawning?

Singing or yawning?

Checking up on his patients

Checking up on his patients

Hats come off when the sun sets

Hats come off when the sun sets

Traveling in style

Traveling in style

Best part of the day

Best part of the day

Beautiful sky, cooler weather

Beautiful sky, cooler weather

Try some of this

Try some of this

They do enjoy reading the daily emails

They do enjoy reading the daily emails

Let's go watch the race

Let's go watch the race

A new ball trick?

A new ball trick?

The healthiest cheesecake around

The healthiest cheesecake around

Preparing dinner

Preparing dinner

Specialty snacks

Specialty snacks

A busy kitchen

A busy kitchen

Get that heart working again

Get that heart working again

Sarvagata has a great handler now

Sarvagata has a great handler now

Recording his experiences

Recording his experiences

Does that ball keep you cool?

Does that ball keep you cool?

He's pulling his weight

He's pulling his weight

Doing great work

Doing great work

Gaurish has an audience

Gaurish has an audience

Well, I'm not really that bad

Well, I'm not really that bad

No, leave me alone

No, leave me alone

Hey, do I know you?

Hey, do I know you?

Try some of this essential oil

Try some of this essential oil

Keeping the shoes in order

Keeping the shoes in order

Hey, I think that's the birthday boy

Hey, I think that's the birthday boy

How's the patient?

How's the patient?

...Papa is asleep

...Papa is asleep

Hey, you can't come in here...

Hey, you can't come in here...

Working him over

Working him over

Dr. Gaurish takes care of Asprihanal

Dr. Gaurish takes care of Asprihanal