Day 39- Birthday Boy

Atmavir, 33 today, has been celebrating his birthday at this race since 2005. This birthday is one of the hottest for the runners. Let's see how they beat the heat.
A footwash before a break is nice

A footwash before a break is nice

He's got the right idea

He's got the right idea

Careful of the heat

Careful of the heat

And lots of water

And lots of water

A rare visitor who works too much

A rare visitor who works too much

Here comes Lucky and Nilima

Here comes Lucky and Nilima

Five Italians or Italian-Americans

Five Italians or Italian-Americans

Pick a runner, any runner

Pick a runner, any runner

Some ice in a waist belt helps

Some ice in a waist belt helps

He's hiding in the shade

He's hiding in the shade

Putting on the sunscreen

Putting on the sunscreen

Fist shake for his birthday

Fist shake for his birthday

Specialty drinks

Specialty drinks

Conscientious runner

Conscientious runner

Drinks every lap also

Drinks every lap also

As they come into the camp area

As they come into the camp area

And lots of watermelon

And lots of watermelon