Day 50- Atmavir Triumphs

In his fourth consecutive finish Atmavir finally reaches the goal smiling after a long, hot struggle.
Alakananda gets the mileage board ready

Alakananda gets the mileage board ready

Runners still logging their miles

Runners still logging their miles

Former runners enjoying a chat

Former runners enjoying a chat

Lots of smiles and enthusiasm

Lots of smiles and enthusiasm

Surasa still 'plugging away'

Surasa still 'plugging away'

Atmavir starts his final lap

Atmavir starts his final lap

To the cheers of many

To the cheers of many

...Meanwhile at the finish line

...Meanwhile at the finish line

Two finishers hold the tape

Two finishers hold the tape

And here he comes

And here he comes

Smiling all the way

Smiling all the way

Finishing fourth in his fourth finish

Finishing fourth in his fourth finish

A great moment

A great moment

Other runners offer their greetings

Other runners offer their greetings

Number three finisher, Pranjal

Number three finisher, Pranjal

The brave Surasa

The brave Surasa

Good friend Glen keeps the course clean

Good friend Glen keeps the course clean

The crowds are singing

The crowds are singing

A moment of quiet gratitude

A moment of quiet gratitude

Chocolate cake, his favorite

Chocolate cake, his favorite

Sahishnu sings Atmavir's praises

Sahishnu sings Atmavir's praises

His trusty bouncing ball

His trusty bouncing ball

The fabulous four finishers so far

The fabulous four finishers so far

Hamming it up after a long, hard race

Hamming it up after a long, hard race

That's them

That's them

Our man of the day

Our man of the day

Keep going boys

Keep going boys

He'll finish on Tuesday

He'll finish on Tuesday

Surasa's support team on video

Surasa's support team on video

Where will we sing in the mornings now?

Where will we sing in the mornings now?

Evening singers support the runners

Evening singers support the runners

Baladev runs into the night

Baladev runs into the night