Day 25

Atmavir and Baladev enduring the heat

Atmavir and Baladev enduring the heat

Most popular item of the day

Most popular item of the day

Under the hat...

Under the hat...

Around the neck...

Around the neck...

In your drink

In your drink

Even ice on the hat

Even ice on the hat

And an ice treasure hunt for Shakti

And an ice treasure hunt for Shakti

There's definitely something in there

There's definitely something in there

Keep going...looks like money

Keep going...looks like money

A frozen mobile phone?

A frozen mobile phone?

All kinds of drinks for the runners

All kinds of drinks for the runners

Keep drinking

Keep drinking

Need two per lap today

Need two per lap today

Wish you were here

Wish you were here

Don't forget the flowers

Don't forget the flowers

Unfortunate casualty of the heat today

Unfortunate casualty of the heat today

Three arms?

Three arms?

Sorry, no time to babysit

Sorry, no time to babysit

When wil this constuction end?

When wil this constuction end?

Daily Prayer

Daily Prayer

Daily Email

Daily Email

A Great Team

A Great Team

Did you get me?

Did you get me?

Somebody's got to do it

Somebody's got to do it

Flying Colors

Flying Colors

Always on the ball

Always on the ball

Local strollers

Local strollers

Hope it works

Hope it works



Double barrelled action

Double barrelled action

Star Spangled Race

Star Spangled Race

This is going to be a long video!

This is going to be a long video!

I think I need some help

I think I need some help

Want to read mine?

Want to read mine?