Day 45-Late Night Surprises

The days are long and arduous but the cooler nights can be peaceful and energizing with nice surprises.
Ananda-Lahari plays piano?

Ananda-Lahari plays piano?

Curb stretch

Curb stretch

Yuri is hungry

Yuri is hungry

One tired camper

One tired camper

Sunset musical offerings

Sunset musical offerings

Another nice sunset

Another nice sunset

Evening music

Evening music

Serenading the runners

Serenading the runners

Eat and run

Eat and run

Sarah likes the evenings

Sarah likes the evenings

Surasa and her handler Vasuprada

Surasa and her handler Vasuprada

Vasu and his handler Nikolai

Vasu and his handler Nikolai

Three singers practice for the runners

Three singers practice for the runners

Sarvagata and Sarvakamya

Sarvagata and Sarvakamya

Sopan takes care of his own feet

Sopan takes care of his own feet

Vasu is speedy today

Vasu is speedy today

Rhythm accompaniments

Rhythm accompaniments

Surasa and Vasuprada

Surasa and Vasuprada



Cleaning the shoes

Cleaning the shoes

Balancing act

Balancing act

Busy home base

Busy home base

Sarah moving well at night

Sarah moving well at night

Austrian suprise

Austrian suprise

Maral offers soulful flute music

Maral offers soulful flute music

Surasa reveals the surprise

Surasa reveals the surprise

It really gives them joy

It really gives them joy

Surasa looks for Nidhruvi

Surasa looks for Nidhruvi

Nidhruvi is floating on air

Nidhruvi is floating on air

She just completed 2700 miles!

She just completed 2700 miles!

Gannika and Nidhruvi celebrate

Gannika and Nidhruvi celebrate

