Day 41-Oneness Home

Each time a runner comes through 'home base' there is lots of support and oneness to help get them through the next lap.
Who gets the last Prasad?

Who gets the last Prasad?

Looks like Misha got it.

Looks like Misha got it.

Shh! Someone is resting.

Shh! Someone is resting.

Pedro is practicing on Jagadhata

Pedro is practicing on Jagadhata

Endless hydration

Endless hydration

Endless shoes

Endless shoes

Home base medical van

Home base medical van

Quadricep stretch

Quadricep stretch

Good for the knees and quads.

Good for the knees and quads.

View from the van

View from the van

Lots of kids

Lots of kids

Foot traffic

Foot traffic

She cannot count them all

She cannot count them all

He cannot hear a thing

He cannot hear a thing

Checking his feet

Checking his feet

Baseball practise

Baseball practise



Emails and news

Emails and news

Message of encouragement from Japan

Message of encouragement from Japan

Trusty handlers

Trusty handlers

Sarvagata moving along

Sarvagata moving along

Can you check out my mask

Can you check out my mask

Have to get through somehow

Have to get through somehow

Sun block

Sun block

Into the crowd

Into the crowd

In the kitchen

In the kitchen

Lots of good stuff

Lots of good stuff

Healthy meals

Healthy meals

Making a delivery

Making a delivery

Kitchen garden

Kitchen garden

Lots of storage

Lots of storage

I think I see a delivery van

I think I see a delivery van

Here comes more vegetables

Here comes more vegetables

Kausal gets a massage?

Kausal gets a massage?

Kausal gives a massage

Kausal gives a massage

Nikolai takes a nap

Nikolai takes a nap

Yuri gets some encouragement

Yuri gets some encouragement

Bipin getting the laundry

Bipin getting the laundry

Must be an Austrian joke

Must be an Austrian joke

What's in that drink?

What's in that drink?

Happy with the massage

Happy with the massage

Ice bags are back

Ice bags are back

Never looked better

Never looked better

Strolling into home base

Strolling into home base

Group therapy

Group therapy

Sarah keeps going

Sarah keeps going

Atmavir in first right now

Atmavir in first right now

Finished with his work for now

Finished with his work for now