Day 40-Miles of Smiles

Incredibly cool weather and a big birthday party created lots of smiles at the race today.
Sahishnu smiling

Sahishnu smiling

Chilly counter

Chilly counter

Cold counter

Cold counter

Nidhruvi and Sylvie

Nidhruvi and Sylvie

A little shin splint?

A little shin splint?

Great healthy drinks each morning

Great healthy drinks each morning

Time for some phone messages?

Time for some phone messages?

Got me?

Got me?

Nidhruvi makes her way

Nidhruvi makes her way

New shoes for Surasa

New shoes for Surasa

Taxi, taxi

Taxi, taxi

Not a taxi, just a Race Director

Not a taxi, just a Race Director

Dressed warmly

Dressed warmly

Sopan works on his feet.

Sopan works on his feet.

Taking off the sweaters

Taking off the sweaters

Hot tea for a cold counter

Hot tea for a cold counter

Jefferson T-Shirt

Jefferson T-Shirt

Vasu looking good

Vasu looking good

Something in his shoe?

Something in his shoe?

That's better

That's better

Sarah has an iPhone?

Sarah has an iPhone?

Just returning it

Just returning it



Jade takes a photo

Jade takes a photo

Beautiful cake

Beautiful cake

Baladev wants a piece

Baladev wants a piece

Looks like a birthday party

Looks like a birthday party

It's Super Mario's daughter, Tiffany

It's Super Mario's daughter, Tiffany

With some of the runners who sang

With some of the runners who sang

Smiling at 12 years old

Smiling at 12 years old

All the runners received gifts

All the runners received gifts

Tiffany handed them out

Tiffany handed them out

Nice running shirts

Nice running shirts

Jade gave out the cake

Jade gave out the cake

Ashprihanal got his too

Ashprihanal got his too

Which should I eat?

Which should I eat?

Here's one for you

Here's one for you

Vasu is grateful

Vasu is grateful

Bipin got his

Bipin got his

Everyone gets a piece

Everyone gets a piece

Atmavir is happy

Atmavir is happy

Even Dipali got one

Even Dipali got one

Tiffany's birthday shoes

Tiffany's birthday shoes

Jade was all smiles

Jade was all smiles

Happy cupcakes for the runners too

Happy cupcakes for the runners too

What's inside Sopan's

What's inside Sopan's

Ashprihanal is wearing his gift

Ashprihanal is wearing his gift

So is Ananda-Lahari

So is Ananda-Lahari

Mario gets back to work

Mario gets back to work

Three handed massage?

Three handed massage?