Day 4-Styles and Smiles

There are many styles of running and walking along with the countless smiles of runners and helpers alike.
Serenading the runners

Serenading the runners

Ashprihanal enjoys the music

Ashprihanal enjoys the music

Gopee enjoys the race

Gopee enjoys the race

Yuri smiling as usual

Yuri smiling as usual

Sarah's strong syle

Sarah's strong syle

Vasu's fast style

Vasu's fast style

Walking up 'the hill'

Walking up 'the hill'

Powerful style of Nidhruvi

Powerful style of Nidhruvi

Sopan is strong this year

Sopan is strong this year

Ananda-Lahari, smooth as usual

Ananda-Lahari, smooth as usual

Yes, I meant you

Yes, I meant you

Smiling in the shade

Smiling in the shade

Happily enjoying breakfast

Happily enjoying breakfast

A Happy Counter

A Happy Counter

Two great Race DIrectors, and Gopee

Two great Race DIrectors, and Gopee

Daily prayers make daily smiles

Daily prayers make daily smiles

Drying out from yesterday's rains

Drying out from yesterday's rains

Baladev smiles even with a stiff knee

Baladev smiles even with a stiff knee

Carefully carving the fruit

Carefully carving the fruit

Sopan's soulful smile

Sopan's soulful smile

Three Happy Directors

Three Happy Directors

Sweet Prasad

Sweet Prasad

Can I pet Gopee?

Can I pet Gopee?

Singing for everyone who passes by

Singing for everyone who passes by

Nipura, always smiling, always helping

Nipura, always smiling, always helping

Carina and Kevin happy to help

Carina and Kevin happy to help

Nandita happy to be here

Nandita happy to be here

Luckily not one of ours

Luckily not one of ours

Daulot pays a quick visit

Daulot pays a quick visit

Sarah smiles as many locals pass by

Sarah smiles as many locals pass by

I can't catch it, the sun is in my eyes

I can't catch it, the sun is in my eyes

Cheerful Pedro

Cheerful Pedro

Yuri smiles even when sleeping

Yuri smiles even when sleeping

The standings just after 6pm or so

The standings just after 6pm or so



Baladev's strong style

Baladev's strong style

Modifying the shoes

Modifying the shoes

Custom fit

Custom fit

Sarah happily talking with Rupantar

Sarah happily talking with Rupantar

Two happy runners

Two happy runners

Waiting for a good photo opportunity

Waiting for a good photo opportunity

There's the blue ball

There's the blue ball

It keeps him happy

It keeps him happy

Happy flower gardens

Happy flower gardens

Daulot happy to escort a friend

Daulot happy to escort a friend