Day 30-Quiero Un Sombrero

'I want a sombrero.' A colorful Mexican Sombrero makes its way into the race. But does it become a hit like some of the other large hats?
Zulma and Tiffany want one

Zulma and Tiffany want one

Time for a stretch and a chat

Time for a stretch and a chat

Swami escorts Ananda-Lahari

Swami escorts Ananda-Lahari

How does that look?

How does that look?

Sarah likes it too

Sarah likes it too

Here comes Surasa

Here comes Surasa

Yuri enjoys the music

Yuri enjoys the music

Pranjal likes it

Pranjal likes it

And the soulful music begins

And the soulful music begins

Would you like to try on the Sombrero?

Would you like to try on the Sombrero?

Ashprihanal tries it on too

Ashprihanal tries it on too

Ashprihanal cools down

Ashprihanal cools down

Would you like a Sombrero?

Would you like a Sombrero?

He knows how to cool down though

He knows how to cool down though

Here comes the birthday boy

Here comes the birthday boy

Surasa too

Surasa too

Sarah's got rhythm

Sarah's got rhythm

Watch out for the tambourines

Watch out for the tambourines

Watch out for the drums

Watch out for the drums

Watch out for the scooters

Watch out for the scooters

Sarvagata is hatless?

Sarvagata is hatless?

Just a shoe change

Just a shoe change

Multi-color shoes?

Multi-color shoes?

Surasa and Vasupradha

Surasa and Vasupradha

Where's the music?

Where's the music?

Here comes some musicians

Here comes some musicians

Spring water?

Spring water?

There is one near the medical tent

There is one near the medical tent

Doing a partial lap together

Doing a partial lap together

Sarah and Swami color coordinated

Sarah and Swami color coordinated

Now everyone knows what I am eating

Now everyone knows what I am eating

Looks like they are for Nidhruvi.

Looks like they are for Nidhruvi.

Who are these for?

Who are these for?

Ice even in the hat

Ice even in the hat

Baladev gets his ice

Baladev gets his ice

Ice on the head

Ice on the head

Secret stash of his 'secret' drink

Secret stash of his 'secret' drink

He's not done yet

He's not done yet

Pranjal got his ice

Pranjal got his ice

Atmavir looks cool

Atmavir looks cool

The ice bath sponge bucket is ready

The ice bath sponge bucket is ready

Ashprihanal's favorite tree

Ashprihanal's favorite tree

Hey Pedro, is there ice in the water?

Hey Pedro, is there ice in the water?

even the counters have to eat

even the counters have to eat

Counter on alert

Counter on alert

Lots of fresh meals

Lots of fresh meals

Lunch distribution

Lunch distribution

No, they are quite nice.

No, they are quite nice.

Serious Russians?

Serious Russians?