Day 25-Bubbling with Enthusiasm

Sometimes visitors to the race bring with them very helpful qualities, such as enthusiasm, which uplifts the runners' spirits and increases their energy..
A runner's new shoes?

A runner's new shoes?

Mario comes to massage the runners

Mario comes to massage the runners

He didn't come alone though

He didn't come alone though

Watch out for Ashprihanal

Watch out for Ashprihanal

She almost got me

She almost got me

Watching the runners from monkey bars

Watching the runners from monkey bars

Yield right of way to the runners

Yield right of way to the runners

Greeting all the runners on her bike

Greeting all the runners on her bike

Meanwhile, down the course a ways

Meanwhile, down the course a ways

Surasa and her handlers

Surasa and her handlers

Who is this little runner behind Mario?

Who is this little runner behind Mario?

Another enthusiastic visitor

Another enthusiastic visitor

Vasu gets a laugh

Vasu gets a laugh

At the water and ice station

At the water and ice station

That's better

That's better



Cutting a striking pose

Cutting a striking pose

Surprise for Baladev

Surprise for Baladev

Dr. Sakshat and Mridanga

Dr. Sakshat and Mridanga

It looks a bit dangerous

It looks a bit dangerous

You missed him

You missed him

Pranjal gets all bubbly

Pranjal gets all bubbly



Where did all the bubbles go?

Where did all the bubbles go?

Ananda-Lahari gets full treatment

Ananda-Lahari gets full treatment

What's that in her hand?

What's that in her hand?

Even the birds like it

Even the birds like it

And Gopee likes birds

And Gopee likes birds

Atmavir is uplifted

Atmavir is uplifted

Rupantar does an interview

Rupantar does an interview

Cameras everywhere

Cameras everywhere

Treating a runner

Treating a runner

Mario still massaging the runners

Mario still massaging the runners

Time to take a break also

Time to take a break also

Cutting out country flags

Cutting out country flags

Whose turn to make ice bags?

Whose turn to make ice bags?

Thanks for the ice bags

Thanks for the ice bags

Vasu having a good race

Vasu having a good race

Irena helping everywhere

Irena helping everywhere

Surasa looking happy

Surasa looking happy

Sarah walking strongly

Sarah walking strongly

Obeying the walk sign

Obeying the walk sign