Day 23-Never a Dull Moment

The 3100 Mile Race course has a life all its own. During the span of one day many people visit and many things happen as the runners keep time around the course.
Stocking up on the watermelon

Stocking up on the watermelon

No hats in the early morning

No hats in the early morning

Vasavi customizes Surasa's insoles

Vasavi customizes Surasa's insoles

Checking the ice supply

Checking the ice supply

Two volunteer monkeys

Two volunteer monkeys

Shoe Surgery

Shoe Surgery

My hat is too heavy

My hat is too heavy

That's better

That's better

Around the backstretch

Around the backstretch

Grand Central Service Road

Grand Central Service Road

Handball courts

Handball courts

Dipali accompanies Nidhruvi

Dipali accompanies Nidhruvi

Through the sprinklers

Through the sprinklers

Ashrpihanal approaching halfway today

Ashrpihanal approaching halfway today

Yuri enjoys the race

Yuri enjoys the race

Sarah looks strong

Sarah looks strong

The vegetarian Stop Sign

The vegetarian Stop Sign

Baladev is happy this morning

Baladev is happy this morning

The Austrian Dynamic Duo

The Austrian Dynamic Duo

Morning inspiration

Morning inspiration

Vasu doing well

Vasu doing well

Special Russian drink

Special Russian drink

Time for a shoe change

Time for a shoe change

Sarah checks her tunes

Sarah checks her tunes

Ashrpihanal still in the lead

Ashrpihanal still in the lead

Personalized food and drink

Personalized food and drink

Beautiful sky today

Beautiful sky today

Clouds are welcome here

Clouds are welcome here

Nidhruvi doing well

Nidhruvi doing well

Into the evening sky

Into the evening sky

Sunset colors

Sunset colors

Sarvagata enjoys the sunset

Sarvagata enjoys the sunset

Counters keeping busy

Counters keeping busy

Dhruva comes to visit

Dhruva comes to visit

Well stocked snacks

Well stocked snacks

Hats on in the sun

Hats on in the sun

Sarvagata looking more fit

Sarvagata looking more fit

Keeping hydrated

Keeping hydrated

What's in the cooler: Orange Juice?

What's in the cooler: Orange Juice?

Short sit down break

Short sit down break

Adjusting the shoes

Adjusting the shoes

What is she eating?

What is she eating?

It's Chia seed pudding

It's Chia seed pudding

Ananda-Lahari takes a break

Ananda-Lahari takes a break

Into the school crowds

Into the school crowds

Summer school

Summer school

He made it around the bend

He made it around the bend

Ashprihanal spins his 'prayer wheel'

Ashprihanal spins his 'prayer wheel'

Vasu looking good

Vasu looking good

He's happy today

He's happy today