Day 21- Temperature Rising

The end of the third week is the beginning of the real summer heat which went up to 92F or 34C today.
Updating the mileage

Updating the mileage

Keeping the hamstrings loose

Keeping the hamstrings loose

Ashprihanal in the resting medical van

Ashprihanal in the resting medical van

First a little stretching

First a little stretching

A healthy apple drink for Ashprihanal

A healthy apple drink for Ashprihanal

Sanatan tending to the ice

Sanatan tending to the ice

Cheerful and alert counters

Cheerful and alert counters

Let's see your technique

Let's see your technique

Ishani did not run the race

Ishani did not run the race

Time for a sunblock break

Time for a sunblock break

Footcare break

Footcare break

Yuri sports a new hat

Yuri sports a new hat

Atmavir has a new hat also

Atmavir has a new hat also

Sarvagata goes for the ice packs

Sarvagata goes for the ice packs

Surasa getting ready after a break

Surasa getting ready after a break

Mario at work

Mario at work

He's a great masseur

He's a great masseur

Atmavir grabs more ice

Atmavir grabs more ice

Morning shadows and shade

Morning shadows and shade

Enough said

Enough said



Protecting the face

Protecting the face

Get that camera out of my face

Get that camera out of my face

Shashanka escorts Sarvagata

Shashanka escorts Sarvagata

Mishti and Nilima after the 2-mile race

Mishti and Nilima after the 2-mile race

Race Prayers

Race Prayers

Abdiel exhausted from a hard effort

Abdiel exhausted from a hard effort

Off they go

Off they go

Start of the 2-mile race

Start of the 2-mile race

Our Pied-Piper

Our Pied-Piper

Signing up for 2 miles

Signing up for 2 miles

Rupantar walks Gopee

Rupantar walks Gopee

Cheering counter Nayana

Cheering counter Nayana

What kind of snacks do we have today?

What kind of snacks do we have today?

Sesame balls

Sesame balls

Nice sandwiches

Nice sandwiches

The favorite fruit

The favorite fruit



No room for slef-doubt in this race

No room for slef-doubt in this race

Counting with a rhythm

Counting with a rhythm

Cheerful counters

Cheerful counters