Day 18-Having Fun

Since this race has become a way of life for the runners they have found ways to have some innocent fun during the day.
Nidhruvigets a quick check-up

Nidhruvigets a quick check-up

Pedro checking out the stats

Pedro checking out the stats

Sarah checks out her shoes

Sarah checks out her shoes

The photographer fixing some shoes

The photographer fixing some shoes

Walking the home base stretch

Walking the home base stretch

Ashprihanal spins the 'prayer wheel'

Ashprihanal spins the 'prayer wheel'

He donated his car

He donated his car

Adhiratha visits reguarly

Adhiratha visits reguarly

Bending reality

Bending reality

Sarvagata and Sopan

Sarvagata and Sopan

Ananda-Lahari washes up

Ananda-Lahari washes up

Helpful race prayers

Helpful race prayers

Walking on cushions

Walking on cushions

An impromptu 'aid station'

An impromptu 'aid station'

Having fun

Having fun

Vasu is happy

Vasu is happy

Pranjal through the trees

Pranjal through the trees

The items

The items

Ananda-Lahari on the backstretch

Ananda-Lahari on the backstretch

The Austrian dynamic duo

The Austrian dynamic duo

Sarvagata getting stronger

Sarvagata getting stronger

One strong Slovak

One strong Slovak

Another great Slovak runner

Another great Slovak runner

The third great Slovak on the right

The third great Slovak on the right

Surasa enjoys a light moment

Surasa enjoys a light moment

Sopan stays focused

Sopan stays focused

Baladev reaches 1000 miles

Baladev reaches 1000 miles

Tejini arrives in style

Tejini arrives in style

Ringing the bell for 1000 miles

Ringing the bell for 1000 miles

Ashprihanal looking good

Ashprihanal looking good

Dinner has arrived

Dinner has arrived

Email has arrived

Email has arrived

Nidhruvi reaches 1000 miles today also

Nidhruvi reaches 1000 miles today also

Only 2100 to go

Only 2100 to go

Sopan takes a photo for his blog

Sopan takes a photo for his blog

A new 'station'

A new 'station'

Music for the runners

Music for the runners

Ray K. is back today

Ray K. is back today

Gratitude to Aklanta

Gratitude to Aklanta

Opening his little black 'doctor's bag'

Opening his little black 'doctor's bag'

Sarah also closing in on 1000

Sarah also closing in on 1000



Ashprihanal having another great day

Ashprihanal having another great day