Day 43- Back in the Saddle Again

The first day back on the course after an unprecedented but much needed day off, the runners are looking strong, healthy and happy again.
There's the barber tools

There's the barber tools

Ukranian water stash

Ukranian water stash

Champ and Vinaya visit at night

Champ and Vinaya visit at night

And there's the barber

And there's the barber

Atmavir keeps up the calories

Atmavir keeps up the calories

Sundar shows up for business?

Sundar shows up for business?

Belinda is back for Surasa

Belinda is back for Surasa

Adding to the cheerful atmosphere

Adding to the cheerful atmosphere

Classic Peace Run shirt

Classic Peace Run shirt

Into the night

Into the night

Keeping the kids happy

Keeping the kids happy

Igor is closing in on second place

Igor is closing in on second place

Pradeep is well on his way to finish

Pradeep is well on his way to finish

Keeping the legs strong and relaxed

Keeping the legs strong and relaxed

Felix offers his great massages

Felix offers his great massages

The water keeps flowing

The water keeps flowing

Visitors from the kitchen

Visitors from the kitchen

Sahishnu ever vigilant

Sahishnu ever vigilant

Listening to the tunes

Listening to the tunes

Uphill climb?

Uphill climb?

Atmavir displays a bit of ball magic

Atmavir displays a bit of ball magic

Running into the sunset

Running into the sunset

Shashanka escorts Sarvagata for a lap

Shashanka escorts Sarvagata for a lap

Want some ice cream?

Want some ice cream?

Seeing him smiling again is a good sign

Seeing him smiling again is a good sign

Stutisheel gets a better view

Stutisheel gets a better view

Asprihanal is hanging tough

Asprihanal is hanging tough

Pranjal has a plan

Pranjal has a plan

Atmavir recovering well from the heat

Atmavir recovering well from the heat

As the sun sets

As the sun sets

Ice bags are still in use also

Ice bags are still in use also

Salil checking up on Asprihanal

Salil checking up on Asprihanal



Closing in on 3000 miles

Closing in on 3000 miles

We just went through the sprinklers

We just went through the sprinklers

Alakananda is the next interviewee

Alakananda is the next interviewee

The camera crew is ready

The camera crew is ready

Serious video equipment

Serious video equipment