Day 31- Blending In

The 3100 race course offers a wide range of colors, light and shade which suits the runners quite well.
It's such an honor to help Surasa

It's such an honor to help Surasa

Belinda is eager to help

Belinda is eager to help

Updating the scoreboard

Updating the scoreboard

Back on the course and looking strong

Back on the course and looking strong

Martin Strel greets Igor

Martin Strel greets Igor

And Red, White and Blue as well

And Red, White and Blue as well

Coming off of a break

Coming off of a break

It's Belinda from the Six Day Race

It's Belinda from the Six Day Race

Radhika came on her bike to help

Radhika came on her bike to help

A little cricket on the side

A little cricket on the side

Hey, watch out for the photographer

Hey, watch out for the photographer

Who's that down there?

Who's that down there?

Friends running with friends

Friends running with friends

Zooming along

Zooming along

Belinda enjoys a lap with the guys

Belinda enjoys a lap with the guys

Focused Igor

Focused Igor

The Magic Handle

The Magic Handle

The 168th St. stretch

The 168th St. stretch

Sarvagata looking good

Sarvagata looking good

Pulak keeps Pradeep company

Pulak keeps Pradeep company

Silhouettes against the setting sun

Silhouettes against the setting sun

Bending with the trees

Bending with the trees

Through the fence

Through the fence

Friendly escort

Friendly escort



Evening weariness

Evening weariness

As strong as a tree

As strong as a tree

And the moon is just across to the east

And the moon is just across to the east

The sun gets lower in the west

The sun gets lower in the west

Families stroll past as well

Families stroll past as well

Kids zoom by on bicycles occasionally

Kids zoom by on bicycles occasionally

He's using the real trash can

He's using the real trash can

The endless cup holder

The endless cup holder

Look who's here now

Look who's here now

Need those cold, wet sponges today

Need those cold, wet sponges today

Enjoying his evening run

Enjoying his evening run

She finished second to Dipali

She finished second to Dipali

Even the locals seem to blend in

Even the locals seem to blend in

Cheerful Suchitra and her sun hat

Cheerful Suchitra and her sun hat

Sahishnu is on duty every evening

Sahishnu is on duty every evening

Surasa is focused as the day wears on

Surasa is focused as the day wears on

Determined watermelon eater

Determined watermelon eater

Blue and yellow color schemes

Blue and yellow color schemes

Here come the vans now

Here come the vans now

Out comes the sun block...

Out comes the sun block...