Day 30- Profiles in Courage

The days are getting hotter, but the runners are bravely stepping up their efforts to reach the goal with the help of many helpers and volunteers.
Pranjal as strong as ever

Pranjal as strong as ever

Pradeep is picking up the pace

Pradeep is picking up the pace

More ice for the hat

More ice for the hat

Two counters for the price of one

Two counters for the price of one

Especially in the hat

Especially in the hat

I wish I had three hands

I wish I had three hands

Handing out the ice cream

Handing out the ice cream

One way to beat the heat

One way to beat the heat

Navigating one of four corners

Navigating one of four corners

Hot weather gear

Hot weather gear

A small refuge for the eyes

A small refuge for the eyes

Alien adventure

Alien adventure

Keeping good form

Keeping good form

Shadows get long in the evening

Shadows get long in the evening

Lean Surasa is leaning into the race

Lean Surasa is leaning into the race

Summer schoolers coming through daily

Summer schoolers coming through daily

Igor helping Igor, and others

Igor helping Igor, and others

Baladev leaves today, sadly

Baladev leaves today, sadly

But soon they are up again

But soon they are up again

Ice bags are helping

Ice bags are helping

Young neighbors trying out the course

Young neighbors trying out the course

Surasa's goodie basket

Surasa's goodie basket

Sarvagata checks in with Karabi

Sarvagata checks in with Karabi