Day 27- NY 1

New York 1 is the biggest CableTV News Station for the metropolitan area and they were quite enthusiastic about covering the race today.
There's the hat, and wet sponge too

There's the hat, and wet sponge too

No, you can't have my veggie-dog

No, you can't have my veggie-dog

Great snack for the hot weather

Great snack for the hot weather

Invoking dedication

Invoking dedication

I think I forgot my hat

I think I forgot my hat

Quick shower to beat the heat

Quick shower to beat the heat

The dynamic duo visiting daily

The dynamic duo visiting daily

He's ready for a sweet treat

He's ready for a sweet treat

She's ready for a long counting shift

She's ready for a long counting shift

Stutisheel has new company

Stutisheel has new company

Dipali's daily visit

Dipali's daily visit

Back to business as usual

Back to business as usual

Here comes the indominitable Surasa

Here comes the indominitable Surasa

And a professional reporter on the case

And a professional reporter on the case