Day 25- Dog Days of Summer

The term 'Dog Days' comes from the ancient belief that Sirius, also called the Dog Star, in close proximity to the sun was responsible for the hot weather.
Stutisheel's Favorite Visitors

Stutisheel's Favorite Visitors

I wonder which one is smarter?

I wonder which one is smarter?

More water in the cooler

More water in the cooler

Double drinks on these hot days

Double drinks on these hot days

Oh well, I'll just rest then

Oh well, I'll just rest then

How come I have to stay inside the van?

How come I have to stay inside the van?

Even in the trees

Even in the trees

That's a good boy

That's a good boy

And thirsty too

And thirsty too

Hey, I'm hungry

Hey, I'm hungry

Surasa has some good friends

Surasa has some good friends

You can see why

You can see why

Someone is on my tail?

Someone is on my tail?

Should she keep these?

Should she keep these?

The all natural pencil sharpener

The all natural pencil sharpener

Keeping cool

Keeping cool

The sun is quite intense right now

The sun is quite intense right now

Looks like the legs of Asprihanal

Looks like the legs of Asprihanal

Who is that crazy runner?

Who is that crazy runner?

Wild shadows

Wild shadows

Oops, I think it got away

Oops, I think it got away

Keep your eye on the ball

Keep your eye on the ball

Don't bother me, I'm busy

Don't bother me, I'm busy

Keeping the board updated

Keeping the board updated

Shadows are getting long

Shadows are getting long

Wet sponges on the head can really help

Wet sponges on the head can really help

Looks like the 'dog days' have arrived

Looks like the 'dog days' have arrived

Looks like Sahishnu lost the bet

Looks like Sahishnu lost the bet

Curvature of the earth

Curvature of the earth

Optical distortion?

Optical distortion?

The cooks are on a break

The cooks are on a break

Everyone eventually shoots the shoes

Everyone eventually shoots the shoes

Optical illusion?

Optical illusion?

His own special order

His own special order

What's the ice cream scoop for?

What's the ice cream scoop for?

Vasavi's last day at the race

Vasavi's last day at the race

Is someone following me?

Is someone following me?

Dipali on her daily visit

Dipali on her daily visit

Why is the special bell is being rung?

Why is the special bell is being rung?

Atmavir reaches halfway

Atmavir reaches halfway

Shoe change break

Shoe change break

Keeping the counters busy

Keeping the counters busy

No doubt about it

No doubt about it

Pranjal is enjoying it

Pranjal is enjoying it

Cameras everywhere

Cameras everywhere