Day 15- Playing the Game

The 3100 is like a big game with many players including runners, helpers, visitors and helpful items
Keeping the tummy and the mouth fresh

Keeping the tummy and the mouth fresh

Ready for more 'customers'

Ready for more 'customers'



He's all wired up for the game

He's all wired up for the game

That's a good hat for the sun

That's a good hat for the sun

Oh no, I forgot my hat

Oh no, I forgot my hat

Coming off a 'time-out'

Coming off a 'time-out'

She helps keep them fed constantly

She helps keep them fed constantly

Keeping track of the players

Keeping track of the players

Your next.

Your next.

You think he saw me yet?

You think he saw me yet?

She finally made it

She finally made it

They drink almost every lap

They drink almost every lap

Important members of the game

Important members of the game

Taking care of important equipment

Taking care of important equipment

Rice pudding for carb's

Rice pudding for carb's

Daily drink specialities

Daily drink specialities

Juicy stories

Juicy stories

Fresh players in the game

Fresh players in the game

Important items in the game

Important items in the game

...across the street

...across the street

Intense soccer happening...

Intense soccer happening...

...of a game nearby

...of a game nearby



Don't lose focus in this game

Don't lose focus in this game

Peace Tree

Peace Tree

Game Flag

Game Flag

I think I got a branch in my ear

I think I got a branch in my ear

These two players are enjoying the game

These two players are enjoying the game

Longtime game player

Longtime game player

Sorry, wrong number.

Sorry, wrong number.

Who is this?

Who is this?

Answer the phone

Answer the phone

Please don't tread the flowers

Please don't tread the flowers

Serious equipment in the game

Serious equipment in the game

And off they go...

And off they go...

Stretching as they walk the 'hill'

Stretching as they walk the 'hill'

It can be very exciting here

It can be very exciting here

Some serious basketball happening here

Some serious basketball happening here

Even along this tree-lined stretch

Even along this tree-lined stretch

Some good stretches by Sarvagata

Some good stretches by Sarvagata

Most games require stretching

Most games require stretching