Day 11- Hands and Legs

Although the legs contribute most of the work to reach the lofty goal, hands also play an important role.
The 'Got me?' Hand

The 'Got me?' Hand

Sharing hands

Sharing hands

Fly like an aspiring bird

Fly like an aspiring bird

'I'm confused' hand

'I'm confused' hand

There, my left hand is free now.

There, my left hand is free now.

One of the runners' lofty secrets

One of the runners' lofty secrets

Sarvagata looking strong

Sarvagata looking strong

A great moment after a hard day

A great moment after a hard day

Done for the night, finally

Done for the night, finally

Keeping the shoes clean?

Keeping the shoes clean?

Just in case he runs too fast

Just in case he runs too fast

Surasa keeps going late into the night

Surasa keeps going late into the night

Because he's going home

Because he's going home

Hey, another photographer

Hey, another photographer

Pranjal stays to the bitter end

Pranjal stays to the bitter end

Why is he smiling?

Why is he smiling?

Always checking the lap stats

Always checking the lap stats

Just in case it rains tonight

Just in case it rains tonight

Focused foot care

Focused foot care a playground a playground

But he still has time to smile

But he still has time to smile

The humidity is hard on Atmavir

The humidity is hard on Atmavir

Customized shoes for weary feet

Customized shoes for weary feet

Igor savors his snack

Igor savors his snack

Bipin is on the case

Bipin is on the case

This is your conscience calling

This is your conscience calling

Here's to enthusiasm

Here's to enthusiasm

Keeping hydrated fuels the legs

Keeping hydrated fuels the legs

One of the most popular snacks

One of the most popular snacks

Today's Snacks

Today's Snacks

Our water supply

Our water supply

Running Hands

Running Hands

Six tiny legs can cover lots of ground

Six tiny legs can cover lots of ground

Smiling like a child...

Smiling like a child...

Hands taking care of feet

Hands taking care of feet

Applauding Hands

Applauding Hands

Happy Helpers

Happy Helpers

Adjusting Hands

Adjusting Hands

Resting Hands

Resting Hands