Day 3, Essentials and Accessories [2 pages]

Guess who this donkey is?

Guess who this donkey is?

A close race

A close race

Surasa's still going strong

Surasa's still going strong

Playground at night

Playground at night

Oh, it's the full moon

Oh, it's the full moon

Something is making them crazy

Something is making them crazy

Trying to stay loose into the night

Trying to stay loose into the night





Why is Surasa laughing?

Why is Surasa laughing?

Where's my dinner?

Where's my dinner?



Essential break for the body

Essential break for the body

Essential oil for the legs

Essential oil for the legs

Some prefer umbrellas

Some prefer umbrellas

An Essential Poncho

An Essential Poncho

Here comes the rain

Here comes the rain

Ah, that's better

Ah, that's better

Looks like you need a massage?

Looks like you need a massage?

Beauty offers strength

Beauty offers strength

Essential Gardens

Essential Gardens

Keeps him smiling which is essential

Keeps him smiling which is essential

The makeshift 'prayer wheel'

The makeshift 'prayer wheel'

How do you like my socks?

How do you like my socks?

Conscientious Ashprihanal

Conscientious Ashprihanal

Can you do this?

Can you do this?

Starting early

Starting early

Essential achilles stretch

Essential achilles stretch

Made fresh daily

Made fresh daily

Phone and pencil essentials

Phone and pencil essentials

Hardly working

Hardly working

Working hard

Working hard

Hey, wait for me!

Hey, wait for me!

Please watch out for runners

Please watch out for runners

More nutitional essentials

More nutitional essentials

Essential Poetry for Inspiration

Essential Poetry for Inspiration

Happy Hat

Happy Hat

Essential break for Igor

Essential break for Igor

Essential shade hat for Ananda-Lahari

Essential shade hat for Ananda-Lahari

Essential shoes for Surasa

Essential shoes for Surasa

Have to look good for the cameras

Have to look good for the cameras

I'm taking rest

I'm taking rest

Hey, they're catching up

Hey, they're catching up

One more bite before my break please

One more bite before my break please

What's in this drink?

What's in this drink?

Austian Dynamo

Austian Dynamo