Day 2, Helpers and Handlers

This epic journey not only involves ten runners but many helpers and handlers who make it all possible.
Late night repairs

Late night repairs

Keep smiling

Keep smiling

The sun is getting low

The sun is getting low

Can you read Russian?

Can you read Russian?

Hey, it's getting late.

Hey, it's getting late.

Bedtime, 'bye everyone.

Bedtime, 'bye everyone.

Watch your step at night

Watch your step at night

Using the trusty atomic clocks

Using the trusty atomic clocks

There they are

There they are

Hey, where are the counters?

Hey, where are the counters?

Just checking your work

Just checking your work

Surasa still zooming around at night

Surasa still zooming around at night

Now I'm tired

Now I'm tired

Late night visitors

Late night visitors

After a rejuvanating nap

After a rejuvanating nap

Nature's support

Nature's support

Are you taking Purna-Samarpan's photo?

Are you taking Purna-Samarpan's photo?

Don't run

Don't run

Walk please

Walk please

Half the runners on the same stretch

Half the runners on the same stretch

There, I got it.

There, I got it.

In a daze, or is it the green haze?

In a daze, or is it the green haze?

Surasa looking strong

Surasa looking strong

Always time for snacks

Always time for snacks

What, we only have to do 310 miles?

What, we only have to do 310 miles?

Carrying some tunes

Carrying some tunes

Follow the yellow bouncing ball

Follow the yellow bouncing ball

Shantishri, another reliable counter

Shantishri, another reliable counter

Any special requests for lunch?

Any special requests for lunch?

Who's keeping who awake?

Who's keeping who awake?

You need a hand Ashprihanal?

You need a hand Ashprihanal?

Igor liked it

Igor liked it

A Special Morning Snack

A Special Morning Snack

A little moral support from the chef

A little moral support from the chef

What? Me cook?

What? Me cook?

Race Director, Rupantar, busily at work

Race Director, Rupantar, busily at work

Two of our great chefs come to visit

Two of our great chefs come to visit