Pre-Race Interviews and Meetings

[Click on this Photo to see all the photos in this album]
Almost Ready to Roll

Almost Ready to Roll

Good Pizza

Good Pizza

What a great meeting

What a great meeting

Ukranian Rookies..A Little Nervous?

Ukranian Rookies..A Little Nervous?

Who's Eating Behind My Back?

Who's Eating Behind My Back?

Boy That Looks Good

Boy That Looks Good

Father and Daughter Enjoying the Moment

Father and Daughter Enjoying the Moment

Seven Time Champ Loves Pizza

Seven Time Champ Loves Pizza

Two Great Cooks

Two Great Cooks

Techy Medur and Runner

Techy Medur and Runner

Our Last Chance to Catch Ashprihanal

Our Last Chance to Catch Ashprihanal

How Do These Things Work?

How Do These Things Work?

'Why Am I Doing This' you Ask?

'Why Am I Doing This' you Ask?

Comfortable Feet...for Now

Comfortable Feet...for Now

Three Directors Listen In

Three Directors Listen In

Ten Fearless Runners

Ten Fearless Runners

The Runners and Some Helpers

The Runners and Some Helpers