Photos by Arpan

Telling a story with photos. Click on thumbnail to see daily galleries of photos and captions.

The Day Before

Day 1-The Journey Begins

Day 3-Cooling Rain

Day 4-Styles and Smiles

Day 5- Sun and Shadows

Day 6-Perfect Weather

Day 8- I Am So Fortunate

Day 9- Here Comes the Heat

Day 11-Helpers and Friends

Day 12-Reality Unique

Day 13- Dog Days

Day 14-Dawn to Midnight

Day 15-Week Three Begins

Day 16-Eat and Run

Day 18-Having Fun

Day 19-Happy July 4th

Day 21- Temperature Rising

Day 23-Never a Dull Moment

Day 27-True Blue

Day 30-Quiero Un Sombrero

Day 31- Bird's Eye View

Day 32-Doctor, Doctor

Day 33-Slow and Steady

Day 34-Walk, Don't Run

Day 35-Rainbow Dreams

Day 37- A Bit of Heaven

Day 38-Let's Celebrate

Day 39- Sleeplessly Dream

Day 40-Miles of Smiles

Day 41-Oneness Home

Day 43- Cheer Them On!

Day 45-Late Night Surprises

Day 46-End In Sight

Day 47-Teamwork

Day 48- Two Exciting Finishes

Day 49-Fine Finn Finish